Saturday, April 18, 2009

Judging people by looks and personality..

After watching this video I realized that we always assume things about people. When Susan Boyle came on to the show, the audience thought she would be rubbish. They were all rolling their eyes and laughing at her, but when she began to sing they were blown away. Susan was asked why she hasn’t gotten anywhere with her dream, and I think this was not meant as a real question, but actually just a sarcastic one, one that everyone thought they knew the answer to. I thought she would be terrible too, but when I heard her I was amazed.

We all judge people by their appearance, age, nationality or personality, we don’t always realize that they may have a talent. This shows that even people who are older than us, not as beautiful on the outside, or not as funny as us are still good people, who deserve respect. We also like to watch people who are bad at what they do, because we like to laugh at them. This doesn’t make us feel good, and it defiantly doesn’t make the people feel good, but we do it anyway.

I think the video is now watched so much because people want to see that they can follow their dreams, and that they shouldn’t just decide they are not talented, because everyone has a talent. Watching this makes people believe that they can do what they have always wanted, and they shouldn’t worry about what people think about them. This is the same with the Paul Potts video too.

This video links to the poem the dream keeper because Susan Boyle and Paul Potts had dreamt of being on stage, in front of a big audience, but nobody believed in them. The poem is about looking after your dreams, and following them, which Susan and Paul did. They didn’t care what other people thought, and proved them wrong. The poem also has a connection with The Blokes because people judged Hashim because he was different from them, but really he proved that he had a talent.

1 comment:

  1. Well expressed Freya! I felt really uncomfortable watching the audience's reaction, including the judges to Susan Boyle as she came out and explained her dream. She really did 'hold fast to dreams'and in a world where the fingers are often 'too rough', where sarcasm and eye-rolling scoff and belittle people. I agree with you in hat all people are worthy of respect and that clip made the point well, that we are all unique and that you can never tell from the outside what flashes of brilliance may lie beneath.
