Friday, March 26, 2010


Thinking Creatively
In my Collage I thought creatively whilst making my 6 word memoir,
which I started by just writing down ideas of what I would like to write about, and then slowly blended that into a 6 word memoir. Also, coming up with ideas on how to present this memoir took some thought. Another part where I used creative thinking was when I was trying to add some symbolism into my collage, because I was trying to put something interesting on it. I decided on the torn map of Sudan in the end.

Reason Critically

I was choosing pictures that related to the conflicts the Lost Boy's faced and then I had to find the text to go along with this, which I found quite hard. I used many pictures
of how they were suffering, but I'm not sure I chose enough
America and the refugee camp.

Communicate Effectively
By using the right images to make others want to help, I was communictaing the point across.
I looked for pictures and text that gave me some emotion, because then I know that it makes others feel that way too. I also used the right images to inform others about the Lost Boys journey.

Live Ethically
Again, by trying to make people want to help, I was living ethically. I think I did this well.

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